Guangzhou, Guangdong province - The pagoda at the Six Banyan Trees buddhist temple
Guangzhou, Guangdong province - The view from the pagoda: a sea of apartments old and new
Guangzhou, Guangdong province - For sale! Starfish, mushrooms, and other not-so-easily identified items at the local market
Baisha, Guangxi province - Tending the rice paddies of rural China
Near Yangshuo, Guangxi province - The beautiful limestone peaks that surround Yangshuo
Somewhere on the road between Guillin and Chengdu - Noodles dry out near a grotty roadside restaurant - our lunch stop on the bus trip to Chengdu
Chengdu, Sichuan province - The way most Chinese people get around - by bike or pedicab
Chengdu, Sichuan province - Buying a bus ticket - perhaps one of the hardest things to do in China - "what character are we looking for again?!"
Leshan, Sichuan province - The huge Grand Buddha of Leshan - Graham is a dot waving above the left ear
Emei Shan, Sichuan province - Incense burning outside one of the many temples on this holy buddhist mountain
Jinshanling, near Beijing - The Great Wall - just magnificent!
Beijing - Keeping Beijing sparkling
Beijing - A soldier keeps guard as crowds gather to watch the flag ceremony (check out the Chinese tour group in the yellow caps)
Beijing - Tiananmen - the Heavenly Gate; Chairman Mao watches over the city
Beijing - Clean, neat, modern - is this really China?!
Beijing - At the Forbidden City
Beijing - Worshippers offering incense and prayers to buddha
Beijing - Kite-flying in Tiananmen Square
Lantau Island, Hong Kong - The town of Tung Chung - it's hard to believe less than 45,000 people live here
Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong - The incredible skyline lit up by the "symphony of lights" show